Frequently Asked Questions

How is the Stress to Success S.H.I.F.T. Community different than other coaching platforms?

1. We provide true 360° guidance toward success in all areas of your life… Your career/contribution, wealth, health and energy, relationships, and personal life. Our world-class faculty have expertise covering every facet of work, health, and life, so you’ve got the guidance you need when you need it.

2. We know that success is an inside job. All the best strategies in the world won’t help you if you’ve got internal barriers blocking your success. Our proprietary and innovative methods help you break through your barriers so that you can accelerate and amplify your success beyond anything you’ve enjoyed prior.

3. The old paradigm around the success of pushing against resistance to “make it” is not only outmoded, but it’s also highly ineffective and inefficient.

Like driving a high-performance sports car at high speed while riding the brake, you’ll likely not go as far and fast as you’d like.

Worse yet, you’ll be causing unnecessary stress and strain. It’s a recipe for Flameout Syndrome where you may crash and burn. 

Our methods help you eliminate your energy inefficiencies on all levels – physical, mental, and emotional – so that you can go further, faster, and more easily.

What if I can’t afford to join?

We’ve got you covered! 

Our membership tiers meet you at whatever budget level or stage of life you’re ready to invest in.

In fact, our first level is free so that you can start to benefit from our community and resources immediately.

Then, we have tiers that increase in benefits as your need and commitment to change increases.

Do The Locations of Events & Retreats Change Every Year or Do They Stay The Same?

The Institute always tries to listen to our members to understand which locations are the most desirable. However, some retreats and locations are yearly events that do not change, such as our highly sought-after Greece retreat. So if you can't make it to one year don't fret! It will be run again, especially if there is a high demand for it.  

What if I join at the Foundations or Accelerator community tier, then need to drop out of it?

We understand completely that life happens. 

We’ll happily help you drop down to whichever tier fits your needs at the time, including to the free community. 

That way, you can still continue to benefit from the support and certain resources to help you move through your challenges.

By the same token, you can move up tiers at any time and be billed the going subscription fee in effect at that time.