Success Stories

Bob S.

To say that Dr. Irene is nothing short of a miracle worker would actually be selling her short! I have had to deal with MS for the last 20+ years; most of my symptoms (and the disease) have been managed with medication. That said there are symptoms that medication has not been able to manage; that is until Dr. Irene landed into my life.

I joined Dr. Irene's 4-week success program to help me with burnout, wanting to be more fulfilled and productive, I was surprised and thrilled when my MS symptoms reduced too! Her techniques have all but eliminated the symptoms that medication could not.

For the first time in over 20 years, since I was diagnosed, I have feeling back in my hands & in the right side of my face. I could not be happier. She is truly the Brené Brown of burnout!

Laurie V.

I’ve no doubt learned over the years that when I engage in high-quality 1:1 support I see my greatest advances in growth, yet there’s still this hesitation before saying YES to it when I wonder if I really need it (could I just figure it out on my own?), if I have the time and energy for it, or if there’s a solution out there that requires less of an investment… 

Working with Dr. Irene has once again confirmed that it’s worth it, that I AM worth it — which seems to be a recurring theme for me when it comes to investing in what I need to get to that next step of growth in my life and business. And that’s exactly what Dr. Irene has been helping me uncover — the programming that’s been setting me back, keeping me from playing as big as I want to play in my life and business. 

She’s very intuitive and has a keen sense of what’s going on underneath without you even having to say it or know it. She’s not only helped me get to the root of it, she’s also given me practical tools and strategies for a lifetime. It’s helped me feel so much lighter, freer, more courageous, and bolder than ever before… I’ve quite possibly stretched myself like never before while working with Dr. Irene and the opportunities and rewards that I now see ahead are greater than I’d ever imagined.

I’ve always been the determined type that drives myself to my vision, giving it whatever it takes, and frankly, despite the rush and excitement it brings with each new achievement or accolade, that journey can feel tiring and lonely. There’s been this constant desire for it to be easier, for me to create the life that I desire, to impact millions, to positively transform the lives of future generations of women — without so much struggle along the way. 

I’d convinced myself that it had to be tough and that the only way was to push through, to learn more, to keep improving because I didn’t come from the right family, have the right background, genetics, body type, access to funding, or blah, blah, blah… thick, thick layers of not-enoughness that I wasn’t even aware of.

Unknowingly, I’d placed a limit on my greatness and it left me feeling like I was constantly dredging through the mud with steel boots to get to the next finish line, only to immediately sign up for my next race, never getting a chance to clean off the mud before going at it again. My boots just kept getting heavier and heavier.

That was until I took the leap to work with Dr. Irene. She has helped me peel back the layers of programming and uncover what I didn’t yet see was getting in my way. She helped me clean off the many years of dried-up mud and let go of those heavy, heavy boots that have been making it so hard. 

And when I encountered my third head injury in a span of 6 years, I was incredibly thankful to be in Dr. Irene’s hands. She’s been helping me find the right balance of healing, work, and training so that I don’t encounter debilitating health setbacks as I had in the past. It’s especially hard to see the picture from within the frame and I wholeheartedly trust Dr. Irene's perspective and guidance. I feel blessed that I’ve found her.

I think every driven, determined, visionary woman needs a Dr. Irene in their corner. I’d recommend her to anyone who believes they were meant for more, who sees their vision of greatness but has the feeling something deeper is holding them back or making it a greater struggle than it needs to be. 

I’d recommend Dr. Irene to those who want to amplify their impact and their leadership with more ease and joy, and have that itching feeling that you need to get out of your own way — and stop feeling like you need to BE or DO more to get where you want to go. 

Dr. Irene is THE one you need on your team to help pave the way. Whether or not you see it yet, you ARE worth it. Just go for it, you won’t regret it! 

Andrew M.

In 2021,   I was at a point in my life my body hurt physically and mentally. I was struggling financially; I really did not like my life.  Dr. Irene invited me to join one of her programs.  I hesitated because I really didn’t have the money. Ultimately, I made the commitment and joined the program.   

I was once told when the student is ready the teacher will appear.  Well, she appeared.  

Going through the program I was always amazed at how down to earth she was. The program has been so beneficial! It has helped me understand and gain much needed self-control. In all areas of my life.  

Dr. Irene is truly a master in what she does. She speaks so you are not threatened but you understand you need to act. On conference calls you get to feel her energy and passion for what she does.   She teaches people all over the world and has been and will be a role model for me.  

All my life I had put people around me on pedestals, everyone else was better than me, I was an inferior in all I did. Her program has broken me free from this mind set.   She has helped me to change from an inferior to an equal.

It has improved my home life, my social life, and my work life and most importantly it has helped my personal life.  I now treat myself as an equal. I have learned how to talk to myself properly and not speak down to myself.  I have learned how to be more grateful.  

I deeply appreciate the program, and I highly recommend it.   If you have an opportunity to go through, do not second guess yourself, just do it. It will be so worth it. I know it was for me.  

After the program ended, I found myself dreaming of the possibilities again. It kicked started a whole chain of events. We went from a lot of debt to selling our home. Buying a new home (that my wife and I both really liked) and clearing our debt. I was also struggling at work. Through the process of working with Dr. Irene, I was able to get the job I had been looking for.

If you are at the spot in your life where you know you need something but cannot seem to find it, I highly recommend you take a program with Dr. Irene. I am incredibly grateful for the insights and help she has brought into my life.   

Lance K.

Dr. Irene has helped me completely reframe my mindset about who I am and what I’m capable of achieving in this life.

After working with Dr. Irene, I no longer experience brain fog, and I’m now able to focus on the things I need to do to succeed in life without second-guessing my decisions.

I sleep better now because of it. Even my relationships with the people I care about have improved tremendously because I’m far less argumentative and I’m a far better communicator. I've even lost over 125 pounds!

If you’re considering working with Dr. Irene or taking one of her programs, don’t hesitate any further! I can tell you firsthand after taking programs with Dr. Irene since December 2019 that she’s amazing at what she does!

Jutta S.

When Dr. Irene offered her program, I knew straight away, “This is what I need.“ It made so much sense! I knew I had to change something.

Dr. Irene - with her own history - has really thoroughly gone through the process of letting go of old beliefs, which were in the way of her healing, both mentally and physically and substituting them through positive ones. If this technique has helped her so much, I assumed that it could help me. Also, her vast experience was a reason for me to join the program.

For my process I feel very well looked after by Dr. Irene. I have learned quite a lot already and I will continue the process with the next course. I already feel changes in some areas, like the following:

Before I started the program I had problems making difficult decisions or phone calls. In these past weeks of her training I have learned  to value my own opinions and decisions better and not to submit to other peoples wishes if I have different ideas about it.

Also I find it easier to go my own way without a guilty conscience. I was not aware of this, but looking back I have realized that this certainly has changed much to the better and makes a difference!

It seems as if my life has become more clear. For some reason, I am now able to reduce household items and books much more easily. Maybe because the direction in which I want to go has become more clear, and I am not looking back so much, so that I am welcoming change. Now, after the 30 days some things have changed, others not yet. But I know that this direction is the right one and I am aware that the process needs some attention. I already have got a taste of what it can be like. If I realize that there are negative emotions I now tap and that makes me feel better. Thank you so much Dr. Irene for creating this course!

Nicole T.

Before I began Dr. Irene Cop’s program, I had explored several alternative healing options in the hopes of addressing symptoms related to stress and anxiety.

What sets Dr. Irene’s work apart is that it integrates acupressure and tapping into an inspiring self-help system targeting common emotional challenges (e.g., limiting beliefs about one’s abilities).

Her work has impressed me in its breadth and depth, and it’s easy to complete, being divided into manageable daily activities.

Since beginning (and completing) the 30-day program, I have noticed a couple of positive changes to my habits – I had not actually expected such tangible results in such a short time.

One, I began to write fiction, which I had wanted to do for decades but hadn’t felt open or able to since I was a pre-teen, and this time without any of the self-critical and judging voices that held me back before.

Secondly, chronic neck and shoulder pain have nearly disappeared, with my chiropractor and physical therapist shaking their heads in surprise.

And thirdly, everyday tasks and errands have become less daunting again, which is an immense help.

What’s important, I feel, to note is that these changes were not something I consciously decided to do, but rather “feel into” effortlessly through the mind-body work in this program!"

Wendy R.

I was like an imposter in my life. Other people thought I had it all together but in reality, I was losing myself. Inside, I was a candle burning out cuz I could feel that flickering. It feels like a lifetime ago because it's so not me now.

I was trying to be something for other people and not being true to myself, as far as my capabilities at work, underestimating myself.

You know, when you're swimming too hard and your strokes aren't good and you're just flailing and you're not getting anywhere? I was doing that. I was a little bit out of control in an invisible way.

I wasn't giving my best anywhere, especially not to me. I was escaping. I was watching hours and hours of YouTube or listening to audio audio books. I was checking out, wasting time. Not doing positive things for myself, I was having thoughts like, “Poor me.” 

Now, after working with Dr. Irene, I’m a different person to the person at that time, but I'm more me than I’ve ever have been.

And I've embraced it even to the point where I fought for a promotion at work and got it readily when I had the conviction to voice my feelings of having earned it and being true to myself!That's something I would have never done before.

Now... do I develop? Do I change? Yeah, but I change in a way that's true to me.

Heather Carroll

Meshell Baker

Dr, Irene's enthusiasm for helping others transform their lives is admirable. She is passionate about helping others live their "best life" by ensuring they have optimum health and well-being. Her extensive studies and specialties set her apart in the medical field, and her interest in taking a multifaceted approach to helping clients heal and embrace life are unique.

I have had the pleasure to know and work with Dr. Irene! She is incredibly gifted, knowledgeable, and passionate about her clients' transformation. I am blessed and better for having worked with her to transition through self-limiting beliefs. I absolutely and highly recommend!

Bob S.

To say that Dr. Irene is nothing short of a miracle worker would actually be selling her short!!

I have had to deal with MS for the last 20+ years; most of my symptoms (and the disease) have been managed with medication.

That said there are symptoms that medication has not been able to manage; that is until Dr. Irene landed into my life.

I joined Dr. Irene's 4-week success program to help me with burnout, wanting to be more fulfilled and productive, I was surprised and thrilled when my MS symptoms reduced too!

Her techniques have all but eliminated the symptoms that medication could not.

For the first time in over 20 years, since I was diagnosed, I have feeling back in my hands & in the right side of my face. I could not be happier.

She is truly the Brené Brown of burnout!

Marian S.

In 2019, I started suffering from a lot of headaches and anxiety from stress. It got worse with the pandemic so, by the end of 2020, I experienced constant headaches, jaw pain, and brain fog. It literally felt like my brain was working 24/7 but it was blank. I felt this way for many many months until I was lucky enough to be invited to join Dr. Irene's program in the Spring of 2021.

It changed my life! As I progressed through the program, I noticed that the pain started to fade away until it felt all better. My brain is clear, and I can think straight now!

Dr. Irene’s program had a huge impact in my life. She answered my question "When will I feel like normal again?"

I still do the exercises that she teaches every day, and my headaches, anxiety, and brain fog haven’t returned after almost a year!

Lance K.

If you’re considering working with Dr. Irene or taking one of her programs, don’t hesitate any further!

I can tell you firsthand after taking programs with Dr. Irene since December 2019 that she’s amazing at what she does! She has helped me completely reframe my mindset about who I am and what I’m capable of achieving in this life.

After working with Dr. Irene, I no longer experience brain fog, and I’m now able to focus on the things I need to do to succeed in life without second-guessing my decisions.

I sleep better now because of it.

Even my relationships with the people I care about have improved tremendously because I’m far less argumentative and I’m a far better communicator.

I've even lost almost 50 pounds!

Andrew M.

I was at a point in my life my body hurt physically and mentally. I was struggling financially; I really did not like my life.

Irene invited me to join a growth group she was moderating. I made the commitment and joined the program.

I was once told when the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Well, she appeared. After the program ended, I found myself dreaming of the possibilities again. It kicked started a whole chain of events. We went from a lot of debt to selling our home. Buying a new home (that my wife and I both really liked) and clearing our debt.

I was also struggling at work. Through the process of a few programs with Dr. Irene, I was able to get the job I had been looking for.

If you are at the spot in your life where you know you need something but cannot seem to find it. I highly recommend you take a program with Dr. Irene.

I am incredibly grateful for the insights and help she has brought into my life.

Colleen L.

I highly recommend Dr. Irene.

I have benefitted greatly, both physically and mentally, with the release of chronic pain and healing from abuse and divorce.

Dr. Irene is kind and genuine, with a wealth of knowledge and expertise.